Project Description
The Friends of Milnshaw Park have been trying for many years to improve the play facilities within the park. The local teenagers even took to YouTube to make a video to highlight the lack of facilities for them. In 2013 the residents working with the local authority and the Forum put together a master plan for the park and a priority list.
Priority one was the derelict tennis courts which were a haven for antisocial behaviour. After extensive community consultation, it was proposed to convert the courts, into a sporting facility offering football, basketball, cricket, and for the first time in the Borough kabaddi and rounder’s courts.
In 2015 some section 106 funding along and with the generous support of the Lancashire Environment Fund, Lancashire Drug and Alcohol team, Church & Milnshaw Area Council and Central Area Council £106,000 was raised to turn priority one from a pipe dream to a reality.
In 2016, work finally began on the project, which took several weeks to complete and what a transformation has taken place, with a fabulous safe and open space.
The group have now turned their attention to raising the necessary funds to deliver
Priority Two- the children’s playground.
The one remaining piece of play equipment is well past its best and offers little in the way of play value. The proposed new playground which has been designed in consultation with the local children will be moved further up the site to a more easily accessible and visible area.
The Forum are again working with the Friends of Milnshaw Park to raise the necessary funds and if successful we hope to be able to appoint contractors in early 2017. We will keep you updated on the progress of this worthy project.